
ConxusNEO Logo
277 E. Mill St.
Akron , OH 44308

ConxusNEO partners with businesses to identify the skills they need to fill positions and build a talent pipeline by bringing together business partners, educators, workforce programs, economic development organization and government agencies. Traditional workforce programs often start with the needs of a specific population, and focus on helping that group overcome the obstacles they face in finding gainful employment. The talent development system ConxusNEO is cultivating starts with the needs of companies.


ConxusNEO utilizes the supply chain management model as its guide. Establishing a recognized end-customer (company employing residents) provides direction and purpose and is a precondition for generating shared value across all partners in the supply chain (the talent development ecosystem). Supply chain management coordinates those activities needed to best serve the requirements of the end-customer and, in doing so, achieves the best mix of responsiveness and efficiency for the market being served. At the same time, partners within the supply chain are supported to build their capacity to deliver value. Moving forward, the supply chain management model will be used to identify leverage points where a small amount of concentrated effort can make a significant difference in the performance of the overall system.



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