Akron's Bounce Innovation Hub unveils first-floor entrepreneurial space
Thursday, May 23, 2019

AKRON, Ohio – Akron’s Bounce Innovation Hub on Wednesday welcomed dozens of creators, business people and community members for the unveiling of its first-floor “Generator” space.
The 27,000-square-foot first floor of the former B.F. Goodrich plant was designed for entrepreneurs, small businesses, freelancers, remote workers, corporate teams, gamers and artists.
The “Generator” marks a new direction for Bounce, which has typically provided space and services for technology-oriented companies.
“This was an opportunity to take the building, which has historically been focused on technology and tenant space, and reinvigorate it with this first-floor innovation hub,” CEO Doug Weintraub told cleveland.com during Wednesday’s open house.
Developed over the past two years, Bounce’s “Generator” space includes rentable offices, a co-working space, a “Makerspace” for computer design and 3-D printing, an esports lab and the Remarkable Café and Coffee shop.
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
“We expect to see an increase in activity around business startups, both tech and non-tech,” Weintraub said. “We expect to see more companies taking space in the building. We expect these offices to be filled up with organizations that aren’t just technology-based.”
The “open” innovation hub concept will offer programs, services and access to resources for entrepreneurs of all types.
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
Bounce is currently at 55-percent occupancy with 47 tenants and about 250 people working in the building. More than 50 companies, including some off-site, participate in Bounce’s incubator program.
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
“Our Elevate Akron strategy really revealed that we need to do more for entrepreneurs and starting new businesses,” Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan said during Wednesday’s event. “If we want to thrive in this particular economy, Bounce is the front door for the important work that will serve as an asset for the entire region going forward.”
Local artist Dominic Falcione of Krunchworks Design + Build designed renovations to the façade of the building at 526 S. Main Street. Hazel Tree Design Studio planned the interior design, much of which uses works from local artists. Welty Building Company managed the construction of the design by Hasenstab Architects.
“We wanted to highlight Akron artists. I think artists are entrepreneurs, too,” Weintraub said. “When you walk in here, it gets the juices flowing.”
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
Open to the public is Rubber City's Remarkable Coffee and Cafe, owned by Chef Dan Remark who co-owns Magic City’s Remarkable Diner in Barberton with his wife, Valeri. The cafe has seating for about 40 people.
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
The space also includes four rentable conference rooms, ranging in capacity from five to 30. People can also rent the 3,093-square-feet event space, which has capacity for 250 people and can be broken into four quadrants.
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
A membership-based co-working space with capacity for 67 people includes eight private offices, 33 open co-working spots, 16 reserved desks and six phone booths.
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
A 3,046-square-feet, membership-based Makerspace, dubbed "The Workshop," will be built in phases, the first of which was completed on Wednesday.
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
"The Workshop" currently offers 3-D printers, looms, sewing machines, an embroidery machine, a leather station, an airbrush painting station, a laser cutter, a photography area and computer stations with CAD design software.
The second phase of the Makerspace is scheduled to open later this year on the building's second floor. It will include a wood shop, metal working and welding area, spray-painting booth and pottery or ceramics space.
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
In partnership with the University of Akron and New Territory Gaming, a 1,190-square-foot esports lab includes 24 computer terminals and machines that can handle both esports and creative software.
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
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Robin Goist, cleveland.com
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
Robin Goist, cleveland.com
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